Yesterday I had a nasal endoscopy, which is basically the putting of a camera up a nostril and down the back of the throat. It was a wholly unpleasant experience, but did tell me that the lump I feel in my throat is absolutely nothing to worry about.
I am a born worrier so was very worried about the procedure, and although I tried not to worry, I then worried that I wasn't worrying enough, which got me even more worried. I got myself into a bit of a state!
So today, I felt a little delicate. Wanted to get out for a walk but not too far. So Shrewsbury beckoned.
Shrewsbury is a beautiful city with so much going on. Apart from the usual shopping centre there is the river, Cathedral, park and a vibrant arts and cafe scene.
Today's trip took me through the town and I thought I would have a bit of a go at street photography. Not completely confident doing it, I know that I wouldn't be too happy with strange people taking pictures of me. Although having said that, I don't even like family taking photos of me, so strangers don't stand a chance! I am going to get a proper profile pic taken at some point. The idea was to just see the top of my head peeking out from behind the camera, but having joined blipfoto, it seems that everyone is doing that. So got to come up with something original. May be a while!
This was taken at a charity bookstall and it was very gratifying to see how popular books still are. The lady to the right of the picture is glaring a bit at me, but I figured that if necessary, by the time she had got round the table, I could probably outrun her!
This gentleman busker was so cheerful. He obviously enjoyed his music immensely and was smiling at everyone who walked past. I dropped a coin and he let me take a photo. Love this one!
Couldn't resist this picture, especially after the procedure yesterday. Just had to explore! I am finding that this type of photography really suits black and white, it is certainly more dramatic.
Headed for the Quarry then, which is a beautiful park by the river. The sky has been very grey and a little boring today, no dramatic clouds, so I have had to play around a bit in editing, but I think they have come out ok.
In the park is the Dingle, which is a gorgeous walled garden, with pond and waterfall. You walk round it or just sit and admire the beauty of it.
Since taking up photography, I have explored so many new places and have taken the time to actually look around me and appreciate what is there. Even if the photos aren't brilliant, its still worth it for the experience.
One of our local heroes is Percy Thrower, Gardener Extraordinaire! In the Dingle is this lovely memorial to him.
Today I was trying to look for the beauty in the ordinary and came across these drains. I still battle with "arty" as there is a very thin line between that and pretentious or just plain boring. But I thought I would take the photo and see what it came out like. Funnily enough, out of all the photos I posted on Facebook, this one had the most likes and comments so maybe I am on the right track after all!
All in all, a lovely local day. Even if I did forget my purse again and had to throw myself on the mercy of Barclays otherwise I wouldn't have had any money to get the car out the car park!
Lessons Learned: Have the courage of your convictions. Don't worry that people may not "get" your picture. If you like it, then that's ok. Otherwise think of a really "arty" and "clever" explanation and people will be too embarassed to admit they don't understand.
Refill the change pot in the car when you empty it!!!
Diet Diary Next weigh in is Tuesday. Feel its going well. Have walked the equivalent of the London Marathon in the last week, so hopefully all is good!