Sunday, 7 August 2016


I am the first to admit that I don't really understand all the technical aspects of my camera. Can't properly get to grips with frames, sensors and mirrors but I have felt for a while that I need to upgrade something.
I am not getting really sharp details in my photos and did consider changing the whole camera system, but after getting advice from 3 photographers that I trust (thank you Richard, Stewart and Adrian) decided to just look at changing lenses.

The very fabulous Richard offered to join me on a photowalk around Shrewsbury, similar to the one we had last May, with a view to me trying out a selection of his lenses to see what suited.

We started off with a prime lens, set at 50mm, so no zooming. If I wanted to change the perspective of a shot, I had to actually move my body into position, rather than twiddle the lens! Not sure about that!

Took the photo of the pigeon with a wonderful telephoto lens, but had started to notice that the better the lens, the heavier it was, and although I am pleased with how the photo came out, I struggled to keep the lens still enough to take the shot. Need to build up the arm muscles I think!

It was a wonderful evening, fabulous to be able to walk with someone interesting who shares and understands the passion for photography and I really felt I learned a lot too.

Richard very kindly has let me borrow some of the lenses to have a play with in my own time. I am really not convinced about the prime lens, I do miss the flexibility of the zoom, so this probably isn't for me. 

The telephoto he lent me is fabulous tho, so I can feel another purchase coming on, but perhaps later in the year. 

I have decided to go now for a Sigma 17 - 70mm f2.8-4 which I will be picking up next week, so that I can have a good play with it before my holidays.

I know that the quality of my pictures still depends on me getting the composition, subject and lighting right, but the thought of a shiny new lens has certainly perked up the enthusiasm for photography which had been waning a bit recently. 

Not really got back to grips with the exploring since my sad adventures earlier in the Summer, so hopefully a fabulous holiday and a shiny new lens will be the pick me up I need.

Lessons Learned: Although I love photography and it has changed my life in so many ways, I have to accept that sometimes enthusiasm will wane and that is ok. All you have to do is arrange an evening out with an interesting man and be prepared to spend inordinate amounts of cash of brand new kit! Simples!

Decided subtle is no longer an option.

Diet Diary: Earlier in the year I decided to lose 3 camera bags in weight (10lb each). Currently I have lost 27lb so just 3lb to go! Am feeling very chuffed and can't quite believe the diet is going so well, as it never has before! Although 3 weeks in America is probably going to change that!

Rambling Record: Currently standing at 725 miles so far this year. Well on track and will hopefully complete before the bad winter weather sets in!