However, I decided that I can't let it stop me exploring, so armed with my trusty "Walks Around Betws-y-Coed" guidebook, I set out.
The walk I chose was a 6 mile easy/moderate circular hike leading through forestry and up to a secluded lake called Llyn Elsi. Two points need to be made here. Firstly Easy/moderate were their words and certainly not mine. Secondly, how could anyone not want to visit a lake called Elsi!
So started off in Betws. First major setback of the day. Cadwaladers is closed for refurbishment! Had to find an alternative catering establishment. Luckily, there are plenty there!
The walk starts off climbing a hill behind the church and up to a forest. The path then zig zags very steeply through the forest until you eventually come to the lake.
However, as usually happens, it was well worth the climb. To find this beautiful secluded lake with not a sound in the air apart from an occasional bird, was wonderful.
Llyn Elsi was actually designated a reservoir in 1914 and there is a monument commemorating that event with one of the most wonderfully placed benches for admiring the view.
Further around the lake is the Dam. Not the most elegant I have seen, but quite imposing in its own way.
The weather wasn't brilliant for taking photos. It was dry which was the main thing, but really quite dull. There were some gorgeous autumn colours out there, but I just couldn't get it to work in the photos. Trying to bump it up in Lightroom just made it all look very false, so I decided to leave it alone. Some things you just have to.
Anyway, according to the map and directions the plan was to walk around the lake then carry on through forest and farmland to complete the full 6 miles. Simples!
However. I am not sure whether the instructions weren't clear enough, or I just have a mental blockage when it comes to directions, but I lost the path. Again. Ended up wading through some very swampy ground. There seemed to be junctions where I wasn't expecting them and no paths where I was. I think I maybe need my own team of Sherpas when I go out.
I worked on the basic assumption that I had climbed a long way up to get to the lake, so as long as I headed downwards, I shouldn't go to far wrong. I did actually see some wonderful scenery on this mystery tour and apologies to all those farmers upon whose land I may inadvertently have trespassed!
Got down eventually as I always knew I would, but unfortunately my knee really started hurting again and I guess I am going to have to get it checked, and soon, before it becomes a real problem.
A fabulous day and an interesting hike, finished beautifully by the sun breaking through the clouds on the way home.
It hasn't put me off trying new walks, in fact, I really enjoyed the uncertainty of not knowing what I was going to see around every corner. The strange thing is that when I looked back at the map, I managed to cut a whole chunk out, but still did the same amount of miles. Bizarre!
I haven't tried anything new for a while so maybe this will encourage me to get my act together again!
Lessons Learned: I have absolutely no sense of direction, and as I may have mentioned previously, the Navigationally Challenged is there for a reason. However, it does open me up to the excitement of not knowing where the heck I am or where I am going!
I need to carry wellies with me at all times for the inevitable unexpected swamp!
Diet Diary: Struggled. Back on track now. Almost back down to the weight I was when returning from holiday. Then just got to lose the 6lb I put on when actually on holiday! It's so hard!!
Rambling Record: Can't quite believe it, but 967 miles so far! Should get the 1000 finished in the next couple of weeks. Unbelievable!