Sunday 10 May 2015

Shrewsbury - experimenting

So I did it. The hair is now pink and when I get a better picture than the selfie I put on Facebook, I will show you. Now I feel different inside and look different outside. Its been good for me I think, as I have found that I have had to dig deep and bring out some self confidence to pull it off! I'm walking tall and I'm done apologizing for who I am!

OK, so deep philosophical stuff out the way, back to the important stuff, photography!

I am pleased with how my landscape photography is progressing. I feel that although I am not there yet, I am heading in the right direction and have a general idea of where I need to improve.

However, I am clueless when it comes to more detailed photography. Taking photographs of "things" and making it interesting. I arranged an afternoon workshop with a fabulous local photographer Richard Hammerton (see my photographers who inspire section for a gallery of his work).

We walked around Shrewsbury and Richard encouraged me to look at things in a different way. Whereas I tend to shoot the whole, straight on and stepped back, he suggested I look at things from a different angle and to focus on the texture and interest in the detail.

It certainly changed the emphasis of the walk, I found I was looking at things a lot more closely, and elements were registering that I would simply have walked past before.

He taught me that there are 3 basic elements to look at to make a photo work: light, subject and composition. If 2 are right chances are it's a good photo, if 3 are, it has the potential to be a great photo. 

Rather than just point and shoot, it made me think more about what is the focal point of the picture, where is the light coming from and what effect is that having on the subject and the background. How do I want my subject to sit in the frame and how important do I want the background elements to be.

Now I know that these aren't great photos, I have a long way to go before getting there, if I ever do, but I am enjoying the learning curve of trying something new. So thank you Richard, for an enjoyable and very informative workshop.

Lessons Learned: You can miss so much beauty and drama in this world by only looking at the "pretty" stuff. Take time to really look at what is around you.

I Love Pink Hair!!!

Diet diary Ok, so back on track now.
Camera bag 1: 6 1/4lb down, 3 3/4lb to go
Camera bag 2: not started yet

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