Tuesday 17 May 2016

Little Adventure - Day 2

After my fabulous visit to Surf Snowdonia, I headed up into the mountains to stay overnight in a converted Shepherd's hut and you will never have seen anything so charming!

Furthest hut is the bedroom and living area, while the closest the kitchen and bathroom. It is beautifully furnished and so unbelievably out of the way. The views were gorgeous and the silence, welcome and incredible.

Shepherd huts (for more info)

Then, on with the adventure. I had found a walk that took me through Beddgelert and into the mountains in a 4.5mile circular walk which seemed perfect.

Beddgelert is a beautiful little town with plenty of individual shops and nice eateries, but no time for that now, got walking to do!

You start by following the river path which takes you past Gelert's grave (Legend of Gelert). You follow the path over a wooden railway bridge, that crosses the local steam railway tracks.

Then it meanders alongside a series of small waterfalls and the path gets very narrow and this part is called the Fisherman's Path. A bit challenging, but so beautiful.

At the end of the river, you head up into the Aberglaslyn Pass where the real hiking began. Its steep and deserted and fabulous. My leg seems to have completely healed, so I can finally do a bit more.

I do love anything derelict industrial and these are the remains of the aerial ropeway system used to transport ore from one end of the valley to the other. It was a fabulous walk up until this point. No other people, perfect hiking weather and outstanding scenery. So much so, I even took a selfie!

I hasten to point out that this is me with no make-up, looking very windswept and a bit flushed after a very steep climb, but this marks the turning point as the walk got progressively worse from here.

I followed the printed instructions I had for the walk to where the path split and I took the left fork. So far so good, until the path disappeared into a swamp! It was one of those hidden swamps that lurk beneath the long grass and you don't realise it's there until you squelch. Managed to work my way through it but my really good hiking boots were no match for liquid mud and it seeped through to my socks pretty darn quickly.

Eventually I picked up the path again, which split into two. Now according to my instructions, it shouldn't have done that, so next dilemma, which path to take. Figured that if I always took the left, the worst that could happen is I would go in a full circle. Its at times like these that I wish I'd paid attention at Girl Guides and got my navigation badge!

Left hand path led into another swamp. I was slipping and sliding all over the place and the only things to grab onto were gorse bushes, and me having left my brand new, for all emergencies, first aid kit in the car.

It followed this pattern for quite a while, swamp, path split, fall over. I was extremely muddy and getting a bit tired. I had absolutely no idea where I was and had gone so far that it was impossible to retrace my steps. So I eventually had one rational thought and decided that if climbed as high as I could, I could look down and get my bearings. I eventually did and could see a proper path way below me in the distance. At this point I didn't care where it went, as long as it went somewhere. Access was via a very undignified scramble through heather, bracken and gorse and I apologise now for all the environmental damage I did on my descent. 

When I eventually got the the path I realised that it was the path that I had been following originally and I had rejoined it just before where I turned off it the first time. So instead of walking a circle, imagine a balloon on a stick. I walked up the stick, around the balloon, and back down the stick, turning a 4.5mile walk into an 8mile one. Navigationally Challenged for a reason folks!

So into Beddgelert for a huge bowl of chips and a chocolate milkshake because I think I had earned them!

Lessons Learned: I surprisingly do seem to have a fair bit of confidence in my capabilities for although I was lost and tired, I knew I would find my way back because I always have. Lets just hope next time doesn't prove me wrong.

Hiking with mud soaked socks is not one of the most pleasurable experiences I have had.

Diet Diary: Still at one camera bag down (10lb). Had a few family events revolving around food like they do, and I think it is only the hiking keeping the weight steady.

Rambling Record: Total currently stands at 423 miles, with a target of 500 by the end of June, which should be doable. Feeling particularly chuffed with myself!

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