Friday 5 March 2021


 How many of you at the start of lockdown were full of such good intentions of what you were going to do? I know I was. Among the achievements were going to be learning Italian for a forthcoming holiday, get to grips with photoshop, lose a lot of weight and basically come out of it magnificent!

Of course most of that didn't happen, when I look back I have absolutely no idea how I spent the last 12 months, so I am going to skim over that and share some of the places I visited before my activities were curtailed!

Tilstock is a disused RAF airfield and I have been meaning to go for ages due to the promise of abandoned buildings and an atmospheric location. Sadly, most of it has now been taken over and turned into some sort of commercial unit but there still remains some treasures. These photos were taken over a couple of visits.

Many of the basic shells of the hangars are sort of still there, but of course adorned with the usual grafitti and litter that these places attract.

Sad to see what used to be someone's pride and joy in this stage, but it makes for an interesting photo op!

The going is a bit treacherous underfoot with it being overgrown and much rubble about, but the wary explorer can get round with not too much injury!

And it's amazing what treasures you can come upon unexpectedly too! Yes, I am still obsessed with all things rusty!

Due to a background in the printing industry (City & Guilds 518 in printing), I am pretty good at spotting a spelling mistake. How the signwriter missed this one is beyond me. Oh and if there are spelling mistakes in the blog it's because I can't type rather than I can't spell!

The RAF base is situated on the edge of much woodland and one of my visits presented me with this magical scene:

Lessons Learned: Beauty can be found everywhere, not only in a glorious sunlit forest but also in that abandoned rusty old car, if you look hard enough.

Diet Diary: Too early to report any improvement, but I have Beth's wedding in September and I need to look spectacular as the Mother of the Bride!

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