Sunday 3 January 2016

Ellesmere and New Years Resolutions

Because we have had some horrendous weather here recently, there hasn't been much of a chance to venture out. All I have managed over the past couple of days are local visits to Ellesmere. In itself this is no bad thing as there is so much to explore and photograph here.

Yesterday was a walk through the murk and drizzle, but even that can have its own beauty.

One thing I am finding now with the photography, especially since I have been blipping, is that I am starting to look at things differently. The following sculpture (or art installation, not really sure what to call it) is in Ellesmere and I have walked past many times.

However yesterday, I found myself wondering a) what it was actually like inside and b) what would the view from the windows be?
a) muddy
b) as follows:

I had to play around with this one quite a bit to get the right positioning. Firstly I cut off the top of the tree, then I didn't get any of the Mere in. Finally an acceptable, yet uncomfortable position was achieved. Think very large chicken laying an egg! I do suffer for my art!

Today's trip to Ellesmere was completely different. It stopped raining and the evening brought a gorgeous sky.

I followed the canal for quite a way and the sky reflected in the water was just stunning.

I hadn't taken my tripod with me so this was all hand held but I don't think they came out too badly.

I wasn't out too long as despite all the daft things I have done already, I am conscious that I am a lone female walking isolated places in fading light. And although I have a torch and a whistle, that just might not always be enough.

So onto the New Years Resolution part of the blog. I have decided that I am going to do at least one outrageous or dangerous thing that is completely out of my comfort zone every month. Have got a few ideas, but nothing set yet. Watch this space!

Actually tho, first daft thing I have already done is sign up for the Country Walking 1000 miles in 2016 challenge. Sounds a lot, but if you break it down into daily targets... who am I kidding, it is a heck of a lot, but I am determined to do this. So another space to watch!

Lessons Learned: Don't tell people about the walking challenge because they will start singing the Proclaimers 500 miles song and I will get it stuck in my head for the next 2 days!

Diet diary: This is it, serious now. Put on a pound or several over Christmas. With our American holiday in mind later in the year I have got to take control and do something about it. So still looking at losing a camera bag at a time (10lb) only now I probably need to lose 3 rather than 2 :-(( 

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