Monday 19 January 2015

Night Time Photography

I have always liked pictures shot at night with their really rich colours and amazing effects, but always thought it was something I'd never be able to do. But then again, I am a New Woman now and trying brand new things and I can do anything. I think.

So back to the ever patient Stewart to arrange a night time workshop. We head out to a bridge over the A5 to photograph traffic and the results are quite incredible. It turns out that it is just the same as day time photography, only with longer shutter speeds. Who'd have thought!

(Seem to have permanently lost this photo, but trust me, it was a corker ;-) )

This was taken with a shutter speed of 20s, aperture at 4.5 with ISO at 100. The most difficult part for me was getting the focus right and for the first time in my life I actually wanted there to be more traffic. OK so the photo isn't art but the practice is the same whether over a dual carriageway in Shropshire, or on a mountain road in Snowdonia.

Next stop, Whittington to photograph the floodlit castle. Unfortunately it wasn't floodlit, but the pub opposite was so I am nothing if not adaptable.

 Exposure 3.2s, aperture 5.6, ISO 200. Starting to get a bit braver with the camera and have taken it off automatic. Its a steep learning curve and there were many, many pictures that will never be seen again but there are some I am pleased with so it is worth all the trial and error.

Lessons Learned: Don't put the camera away with the sun, there is a lot of fun to be had out there in the darkness.
Trial and Error is to me the best way to learn. If someone tells you how to do something I don't think it has the same impact as finding it out for yourself.

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