Monday 26 January 2015

Rhyl - Topping up the Zen

Today was all about restoring the balance of tranquillity after a couple of stressful work days. I needed a beach and something to photograph. I had to fit in between school runs so distance was an issue so decided to head to Rhyl. Haven't been for a few years and I remember the town being a bit rundown but the beach being gorgeous. Arriving there didn't change my opinion at all.

 I don't know what it is with the Great British Public, but no one else seems to like beaches in winter, apart from the one lonely soul and her dog in the above picture. To me, its the best time, no crowds, no trouble parking and no open amusement arcades.

During my walk, a large flock of birds swooped in and landed on the beach, too quick for me to photograph so I had to stand there for ages just waiting for them to do something interesting. Are you of an age to remember the KitKat ad with the Pandas? If so, you'll know what I am talking about, if not, Google it, it is so worth a look.

 I walked heading from the town to the harbour (round trip of 11,250 steps according to my new and highly addictive Fitbug). There has been a lot of work done there and the area is lovely. Lots of picturesque sand dunes and rock pools. There is also a really nice café that does an amazing mochachino. It is the Bike Hub Café, half café half bike repair shop. They are currently advertising for staff so if you are a trained bike mechanic/barista I think there's a job for you there!

 I have been lucky with the weather today. It has been bright so I have been able to use the telephoto lens without the tripod and still get the shutter speeds I needed. All in all a good day and tranquillity levels almost topped up. Now to find a mountain to photograph!

Lessons Learned: Patience should never be underestimated as a vital skill for a photographer.
Even when she's exploring her wild side, a girl still needs her mochachino!

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