Monday 19 January 2015

Stiperstones October 14th

Sometimes one of the most difficult decisions I face is where to go if the weather is poor. It is so easy to say you won't bother if its a bit drizzly. But I've been there, made excuses to avoid any kind of activity and I don't want to be that person any more.

So I decided to try to find the The Stiperstones which is a ridge across part of Shropshire formed during the Ice Age. It is an amazing drive up there, through valleys and moorland and the fact that is was dull and drizzly added to the atmosphere somehow.

The Stiperstones is a nature reserve with parking and marked pathways but the clouds were moving in and visibility wasn't good. While I sat in the car an epic confrontation raged. On one side was Common Sense, with Age and Logic on its side, battling against the newcomer Crazy with just Adventurous Spirit for support. Common Sense pointed out the rain, wind and the fact that none of us knew where we were going and it looked like it might prevail when Adventurous Spirit let out a battle cry of "what the hell, it can only kill us once" and the fight was over and we were off exploring again.

On my way up, this gorgeous creature looked up at me as if to say "Are you completely nuts? Its raining!)

 It is certainly bleak up there and I am sure it is lovely when you can actually see something. I walked for about half an hour uphill and when I realised that my waterproof boots actually weren't, and that I could basically see very little, I decided that maybe Common Sense had a point after all, so back down I came, but feeling exhilarated rather than defeated.
Lessons Learned: Don't be a fair weather photographer. Even if you can't take photos you can still be out in some beautiful countryside. After all what's the worst that can happen? You'll get wet. So you'll dry out! Plus there's something very "At one with Nature" when the elements are throwing everything they have at you.

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