Sunday 18 January 2015

So where did that title come from?

My first few trips out with the camera all seemed to be in beautiful tranquil woodlands and I realised I needed something more challenging. However this was a bit daunting as I am not a fit person, can get lost in my own home and am approaching middle age rather too quickly for my liking. So I asked the question "is there a guidebook called Dramatic and Dangerous places to photograph for the Terminally Unfit and Navigationally Challenged?" The answer came back "No, why don't you write it!". So here we are a few months later pulling together a blog to do just that!

I have discovered some amazing places and taken some photos that I am very happy with and I hope to share my experiences to entertain, inform and if in anyway inspire anyone to do the same, then that would be amazing. And maybe one day I will tell you my original idea for the book cover!

Lessons Learned: Don't ask silly questions, as the answer might not be the one you expected!

1 comment:

  1. It's the explorer and adventurer who dares to ask silly questions of the world and his environment and makes discoveries the sensible will never find.

